Fireworks in Pawn

We trust you had an amazing 4th of July! Now let the fireworks begin for your business! No matter what your budget is, we want to see your pawnshop(s) prosper and grow!   Please let us design a custom Pawnshop Consulting Program just for your stores that won’t break the bank, but instead will fill it!  This [...]

Fireworks in Pawn2024-07-06T14:06:14+00:00

New Success Requires Change

The changes you make or don’t make along with your execution and productivity of your team will dictate your success in the future of this industry.  The reality is that the average pawnshop today is leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table per location and we can prove it.   At Devoted Pawn Consulting,  we believe that this does [...]

New Success Requires Change2022-01-05T14:15:58+00:00

All We Want for the Holidays is…..

All We Want For The Holiday Season is..... ......Is that our clients to see increases in retails sales upwards of 30%, increases of gross profit on those sales of around 10%, increases of service and interest charges of 20-30% and even your pawn balance can see growth of 20-30% in retail sales seasons.   These are [...]

All We Want for the Holidays is…..2020-11-02T16:13:42+00:00

Vernon Stading-Pawnshop Consultant

It always amazes us with as many pawn conventions we have attended, exhibited and presented at and with the hundreds of clients that we have served in this industry when we get asked “who are you guys", "who is Vernon Stading", or "what experience do you really have in this industry”.  Vernon's personal favorite questions [...]

Vernon Stading-Pawnshop Consultant2019-10-25T01:49:34+00:00

Trust But Verify

Trust Can Be Broken Easily Trust is one of the hardest things to come by and sadly far too often it is the one thing that gets broken easily in business.  But when that trust is shattered by key people in your business or organization, the loss of trust hits home on a much more [...]

Trust But Verify2019-02-05T20:49:02+00:00

A Group of Pawnshop Consultants

How well do you know our group of pawnshop consultants? Devoted Pawn Consulting is the definition of integrity in a profession that is often known for making business owners dependent on them for their success . External business consulting, coaching and support is a billion-dollar industry in America and sadly many consultants and business coaches [...]

A Group of Pawnshop Consultants2018-05-25T12:24:41+00:00
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