What Return on Investment Can You Expect From Us?

In business, everyone talks about Return on Investment (ROI).  But what do you really know about ROI?  Do you know what ROI you’re marketing dollars are providing?  Do you know if each employee that works for you makes you a profit? Do you know what your gross profit should be on each retail item?  Do you know how much interest or services charges your loans should/cold generate?   We can help you answer these questions and many more. In addition we will show you exactly how much money you can expect to make or save if you hire our pawnshop consultants to help you.

How can you possibly tell me what ROI we can expect if we hire you?

So how can we possibly quote you a possible ROI?  First, let us explain what you can expect when you hire us!

Did you know that our average clients pay us less than $10,000 (travel costs included) for our basic onsite Pawn Health Check™ and you won’t believe their results!  For that price (or much less for smaller business), our clients see, on average the following Return On Investment (ROI) per store:*

Services charges increase of $24,000 or more on current loans in pawn.  You achieve this because we will help you collect more interest on loans already written as well as more interest on new loans.

Pawn balance increase of 20% or more in less than 9 months.  You achieve this because we not only help you market and advertise better, but teach you to capitalize on missed opportunities, and how to close deals when the customers wont agree on our pricing.

Services charges collected on those new loans of $6,000 a month.  Good loans collect more and additional interest!

Increased gross profit of 5-10% from current their state in less than 9 months, or $20,000 annually on average per store.  Better loans written equals higher gross profit if they do default.

Cost savings of 5-7% or more found in our visits, or $40,000 on average.  We have never failed to find cost savings while doing a company visit.  Our record so far is $1 million dollars in a chain of pawnshops who only do jewelry!

*Based on our average client who has 5 or less stores, is around $350,000 pawn balance in each store, $500,000 in annual retail sales and in a 10% or higher interest state.

Do you think spending $10,000 or less for a potential ROI of $90,000 or more per store is a good investment?  Our clients do!  So, what are you waiting for?  #takethechallenge today and call us at 727-580-5876 for a free no obligation consultation where we will show you exactly what your potential ROI will be BEFORE you ever pay us a penny!


You can even get a free confidential head start with our online version of the Pawn Health Check™ here!